An epic class day out

Learning is roarsome
We have produced these edutainment packs to bring more joy to learning. Each pack is tailored to a unique location, comes with a Mighty Claws children’s book and a suite of educational materials that can be used in-class and on our courses.

We’ve done our homework
Working with experienced key stage 2 primary teachers we have created a suite of materials that will complement any educational or treat outing to a Mighty Adventure park. The pack is aimed at both lower and upper key stage 2, with some differentiation within the activities.
There are two components to the educational pack – an in-class shared reading/reading comprehension activity; which is designed around the storybook provided in the pack, and a knowledge hunt to be used on the golf course.

Classroom activities
Collaborative learning and creativity. The suggested group activities are accessible to learners of all abilities across key stage two, allowing teachers to decide which activities they feel are most appropriate for their class.
This section of the pack is a chance for children to engage with learning in a joyful and creative way. The tasks are open ended, lending themselves to mixed ability grouping and could be used to stimulate creative writing, role play or class discussion.

Knowledge hunt
Our knowledge hunt has been designed to be completed between play. The questions have been designed with reference to Bloom’s Taxonomy, ensuring that there is a good mix of straight information recall/retrieval questions; more complicated questions requiring analysis of the information provided; and some open ended questions that encourage creative and evaluative thinking.
The questions themselves draw on mathematical skills, problem solving, the four operations, and a range of reading comprehension skills.
The information that the children will learn by engaging with the activity complements the key stage two science curriculum, particularly year 3’s study of rocks/fossils, and year 6’s study of evolution and inheritance.